Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I want to thank everyone who attended the mom's group on Friday. What a great turn out! Thank you for participating in the conversations and getting to know each other a little better. Sometimes it can be hard to open up to people you may only know casually or not at all, but the more we share, the easier it is to get to know each other.

Have you moms read your next lesson, chapter's 1 and 2? If you haven't, get to it!! They are great! I can't wait to hear what some of you guys come up with for your homework. It's so encouraging to be able to go through this journey as a mom with a group of women who come from different backgrounds and to be able to share, listen, and get great feedback on different issues in life. Continue to move forward in your relationship with Jesus. He is the best friend and example we as mom's can have in modeling for our children.

Please feel free to blog responses to the book and also what is going on in your lives. If you have a funny story, just need a sounding board, or would like prayer and support for something going on in your life, write away!!

If anyone has any questions about the mom's group, please feel free to e-mail Alisha Boyll, Katie Watterson, and myself at Flatlandmomsgroup@gmail.com. If you have any suggestions about a name for our group, lets hear them! Talk to you soon!
Monessa Allerheiligen

1 comment:

Katie said...

Wanted to try making a comment and got to thinking how excited I am about this group. I'm SO glad you are all able to participate in some way. Can't wait to hear from you!